esports - gain a competitive edge with Curia

Built specifically for esports

  • Curia is unique on the market as a biometric platform designed specifically for esports. It also embodies a robust neuroscience research tool.

  • Curia transforms complex metrics into intuitive visual overlays on recorded gameplay, facilitating unprecedented analysis of attention, engagement, and decision-making processes.

  • Our visualizations are designed to be user-friendly, making intricate data understandable as actionable feedback for coaches and players alike.

Telemetry overlays are visible on the Curia platform monitor and recordings for analysis. They do not interfere with the player’s view and monitor which shows only the unmodified game.

A segment of gameplay recorded with the Curia platform, showing real-time biometric overlays that indicate the player's focus and level of engagement. The moving blue circle indicates the player's gaze as tracked by the eye tracker. The graphs, from top right to bottom left, display pupil size, fixation, EEG summary, individual EEG channel waves. Two white boxes display players heart rate, and stress levels.

With the Curia platform, esports players and coaches receive objective, detailed cognitive feedback that analyzes every decision and action in the game. This data helps pinpoint areas for improvement and refine tactics during training sessions at both individual and team levels. Our innovative approach quantifies cognitive strategies and performance, offering analysis comparable to how athletes in physical sports measure and evaluate their speed and endurance.

Real-time data labeling: Unique to Curia, tags telemetry data with relevant game stages and outcomes, such as game rounds and results (won or lost). This empowers teams and coaches to answer questions such as 'What differentiates the rounds we won from those we lost?' or 'What was player X’s level of engagement at critical moments of the game?' This focused insight is crucial for enhancing strategy and performance in competitive settings.

Collegiate course: In collaboration with professional esports coaches, we've developed a 10-week training course designed to empower college teams. This course covers how to effectively utilize the Curia platform to analyze and enhance performance in popular esports games. Contact us for details.

esports and research synergy

Synergizing esports and Research for Mutual Benefit : The Curia platform fosters a synergistic relationship between a college's esports teams and research departments. Recorded esports sessions provide valuable data for both training and academic research. Esports teams receive in-depth feedback, while researchers access real-world data for publishable findings in neuroscience. This collaboration can positively impact the college community, including potential donors and grant opportunities.

Game developers - empower your designs with precision insights from Curia

The Curia platform offers developers a precise, quantifiable view into gameplay dynamics. It enables detailed analysis of where and when players focus, how long they engage, and their interactions with game elements like mini maps. These intuitive and quantified insights are invaluable for refining existing games and informing the development of new ones. Additionally, the platform measures the intensity of cognitive load at various game stages, offering insights into the difficulty levels experienced by players. This data allows developers to fine-tune game intensity to optimal levels—ensuring it is challenging enough to keep players engaged but not so difficult as to cause frustration.

Curia esports platform in action

Local TV coverage of Indiana college esports team that uses Curia platform. The first video includes coach commentary on how Curia visuals provide insights into player’s actions and indicate areas for potential improvement.